Our board member & silent partner, Colin Gray, is a prolific programmer. When not working full-time at Shopify, Colin is often building nerdy solutions to everyday business and software problems. Find a few of these outlined below, and see them all on his GitHub account.
A terminal application framework based on The Elm Architecture (aka TEA). Similar in spirit to React. Find Ashen on GitHub.
A custom keyboard firmware, inspired after using and contributing to QMK, but written in C++ and largely plugin-based. Find Mechy on GitHub.
The zenburn color scheme for most modern text editors, especially Sublime Text. Find Zenburn on GitHub.
A very elegant programming language that outputs HTML code, but looks like Python code. Chomsky is a “grammar/parser” built to support Plywood. Find Plywood and Chomsky on GitHub.
Strangecase is a static site generatorwritten in Python supporting heavy customization intended almost exclusively for its author’s own edification.